
Friday, October 12, 2018


They say that Parliament, Executive (Government) and judiciary are the three pillars of a democracy. All three pillars need to work in consonance with each other to make the democracy stable and vibrant . However, in Indian context all three are working at cross- purposes with each other so as to make Indian democracy a big farce .
It may be noted that two buzz words of democracy , namely, Liberty and freedom, are not new to Indian political system. Even in ancient India of monarchical system they were adhered to with utmost zeal. Remember the right of a woman to choose a husband through the process of SWAYAMBER! It bears testimony to the fact of freedom enjoyed by the women. However, they were not allowed to hamper the security and integrity of the state. Whenever they did , India lost its sovereignty and passed into vassalage . It goes without saying that the three pillars of modern Indian democracy are endangering the national security through their expedient acts .
Indian parliament has become a big comedy theatre . No purposeful debates and discussions on national issues are carried out there. In fact, the government and opposition try to play a game of one.upmanship . Instead of discussing poverty alleviation, economic growth , health care etc, they keep throwing verbal barbs at each other. Trooping into the well of the House is a method adopted to stall parliamentary process and thus waste valuable time of the nation.,
Allegations and counter allegations fly like uncontrolled missiles, causing collateral damage to the nation. Matters of national security are treated as personal battles. Lies and fiction add negative spin to the whole issue. Take the case of “Augusta Helicopter” or “Rafaela Fighter Jet” deals. Instead of discussing the need and necessity of these items, while focus is on the “imagined Devil” in the deal. The opposition fights not on the quality of the equipment but on the “bonanza” it might have missed out owing to not being a party to the deal.
The Government, which ever political party heads it, remains focused on winning elections. Most of the actions are taken by the governments keeping in mind the “Elections”, it’s policies are decided by the vote bank politics. Issues of “Reservation” ; “Triple Talaq”; “Kashmir” and “OROP” etc are handled not on the basis of national interests but the vested interests of the political party heading the government.
Indian politicians are a worst breed of humans. They can never rise above their narrow and parochial self-interests. They exploit general public on caste, creed and religious affiliations. Communities are treated as a herd of sheep, just blindly following their community leader. No wonder political leaders want their communities to be illiterate and poor so that they can listen to their diktats. It is one of the main reasons that “fear psychosis” dominate the minority communities in India. A non - existent “Hindu Majority” fear is used to mislead the Muslims of India . Most of the SC/ ST leaders roll in money while bulk of their communities still remain below the poverty line, even after 71 years of the policy of reservations. “Double Reservations” in professional educational institutes and then in governmental jobs, including promotions, benefit only those who have already taken advantage in getting admitted to educational institutes or entry into government jobs. Such lopsided policies are followed by the politicians only to keep alive their personal agendas.
Indian judiciary is in its own league. National security to it is an alien concept. It views everything from her legal eyes of liberty and freedom. Some of its leading lights see soldiers as “murderers” and they want FIRs to be registered against soldiers if “terrorists” were killed in encounter. Indian courts devote more time on “non- issues” and unwanted “PILs”. SC sits till midnight to decide about the case of the hanging of a terrorist involved in “Mumbai 26/11” while “Ram Janam bhoomi- Babri Masjid “ issue has been hanging fire for the last 27 years. Sometimes judiciary starts interfering with the functioning of “Executive”.
Functioning of Indian courts need much to be desired. Cases keep languishing in courts for long durations . A refrain is that a land case filed by a person today might go on till his great grand child becomes a major. Generally debates in various courts go off the track and non - issues become the main issues. Known criminals are often let out on bail and thus allowing them to destroy evidence. Political leaders involved in corruption, continue to move about on bail. This is the biggest hypocrisy of the Indian judiciary. A common man, accused of any offence, gets no respite while rich and influential go scot free even when there are proven charges against them. National Herald case or DA case of certain politicians or even the case of a son of a former Home Minister / Finance Minister bear testimony to the fact as to how rich and influential enjoy legal immunity on flimsy grounds. Sometimes judiciary plays to the gallery. Take the case of “five Urban Terrorists” , accused of “Bhim- Koregaon” conspiracy. they have been put under mere house arrest. Had there been a common man , he would have been thrown into prison without any trial. Why should judiciary interfere with police investigations like this ? This is why most often hardcore criminals go scot free. No wonder some known corrupt politicians roam freely—— judiciary has a big hand in making Indian Democracy a big joke.
Indian legal system has made India a soft state. Anyone can play around with it. Take the case of Rohingyas and Bangla Delhi Muslims. They enjoy such immunity that no Common citizen of India also can not. Rohingyas have been settled in the sensitive state of Jammu & Kashmir where Indian Citizens can not settle. Take the case of Article 35A and Article 370— Indian SC is dilly- dallying with it and refusing to take a just position . Both these provisions are discriminatory . Neither Indian Government nor Judiciary is taking a correct position on this. Well less said of the politicians, both ruling and opposition, is better. All of them have made India a jocular democracy .

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