
Monday, October 01, 2018


TELL ME O' SOLDIERS!-----My Old Poem corrected for 2018

Promises galore to the soldiers by the leaders and the nation!
When the crisis blow away, soldiers are invariably forgotten;
Tell me ,O Soldiers! Don’t you feel you are treated like beggars?
When your Cantt privacy assaulted and dreams are shattered?

While unheard, uncared, unsung die soldiers on foreign soil,
Dishonest and corrupt enjoy the fruits of their sweat and toil;
Tell me O' Soldiers! Do you think you die for nation's cause?
Though corocodile tears would be shed at your family's loss.

A soldier falls to bullets of insurgents in the jungles of North East,
Hardly anyone does care as if he was some kind of a sacrificial beast!
Tell me o' soldiers! How do you think you protect the constitution?
While the leaders you lay your life for, weaken its very foundations!

A soldier is killed on the snow capped mountains of Siachen glacier,
Grateful nation's duty ends when a citation is placed in his dossier;
Tell me O'soldiers! What is the value of the medal in dead man's life?
In civil street, it has no value, it just gives a sense of false pride!

A soldier is tasked to carry out search and destroy mission in Kashmir;
Human rights acivists concoct story of rape and shed corocodile tears;
Tell me O' soldiers!Do you hail from "Heavens" without any human vices?
Why do they expect Zero-Error conduct from you in national crisis?

When the floods come or the earth quake hits,they ask for soldier's aid,
Even when a child falls into pit, soldiers mustered like household maids;
Tell me O' soldiers! Do you know what bureaucrats about you say?
Soldiering is no big deal and only fools and idiots join armed forces today.

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