
Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Who Am I--- A HINDU, Sikh, Christian or A Muslim?


I am not an atheist . I am a God fearing man. However, I am not a practising Hindu, Muslim , Sikh or a Christian? I do not believe in religious denomination by birth. I feel religion is a biggest farce, played on the mankind by vested interests. In fact, history bears testimony that religion divides societies into divisive islands of hatred. I stay away from it.

You will ask , then , “Who am I”? I am an Indian—- a die-hard Indian. I do not like people who place religion above the nation. To me Indian constitution is all and everything—- Geeta, Koran, Bible, Granthsahib —- all amalgamated into one.

I like to pay respect to my national anthem. Get up and stand, whenever and wherever it is rendered. No religion can stop me from this. I dislike those who say that their religion does not permit them to respect the national anthem.

In India , there can be only one law for everyone. We can not have separate rules based on religious affiliations. Politicians of India create these gulfs of separation when they appease different religions. In fact, they do not appease common man in these religious groups but the power brokers of these religions.

I am shocked to know when people talk about majority and minority communities. Why cannot they talk about only Indian community? I do understand, different social groups might have some problems. But they do not have to be highlighted in the name of religion , caste and creed. Unfortunately, this has been happening since 1947— when “two nation” theory divided India because of religion.

We ought to know while religion divides ; culture unites. What happened to Pakistan in 1971—the TWO NATION THEORY got ripped apart. Culture is a composite mix philology of language, history, social traditions, food habits and Co- existence of religions,political philosophies in a given Geographical region.

In India today, in the name of secularism and freedom of expression, divisive philosophies are being promoted. Uniform civil code is being opposed because of religious practices. Emphasis is being laid on “ Reservation” than enabling people financially to come at par with socially advanced. “ Reservation” policy makes people lazy and lethargic. They take things for granted and do not work hard to achieve excellence.

Indian politics has stooped so low that elections promote social and religious divisions. Political parties give tickets to people based on caste, creed and religion. No wonder politicians disappear after elections. They too take people for granted because they know they would vote on religious and caste lines.

A politician, who might have otherwise never visited a HINDU TEMPLE , suddenly becomes a “JANEU - DHARI” “Shiva” devotee. Take the case of RAM JANAM BHOOMI and BABRI MADJID case. Every election it comes up. It has been hanging fire in Supreme court for more than two decades. I wonder why is judiciary sleeping over it. The case should have been decided one way or the other. It has not been done because India was NOT the priority of Judiciary. More than it seems that judiciary was divided on religious lines—— they talk about concerns of majority and minority communities. If India was the concern Supreme Court should have said that build a multi speciality Hospital there—- neither Mandir — Nor Masjid. Narrow vision has taken control of even our judiciary.

No wonder people like Shahabuddin Owaisi (AIMIM) take advantages of such weak kneed attitude of judiciary and advocate reservation for Muslims in the armed forces. This is the only institution which has so far survived the menace of “ reservation”—- a truly secular organisation. Think of in contrast these kind of politicians  who vehemently, rant about secularism, not because they are serious about it —- but they want to divide the society in the name of quotas and reservation. Concern for “ DALITS” of most Muslim leaders is not because they want to see their upliftment but break up Hindu community. Similarly concern for  “Triple Talaq” issue is not to relieve Muslim women of unethical practice by Married Muslim Men but to take a political mileage out of this social evil. There are such example galore where politics and religion are dividing human beings on silly issues. Babri Masjid- Ram Mandir is one such link in the divisive politics.

Time has come to shun such divisive politicians and let India become a true nation, san religions and reservations. We need to create ONE NATION ; ONE LAW and NO SPECIAL PRIVILEGES FOR ANYONE, based on religion, caste and creed or even geography. Let religion withdraw to bedrooms of the people . Long Live India!

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