
Monday, May 31, 2010


'Sulekha' is swarmed by lady samurasi,

On the drop of a hat who pick up a fight;

Small minds often raise hue and cry-

These spoilsports of Sulekha often stultify.

Some are the mothers of all controversies-

Their conduct and language have no decency;

Hatred and jealousy are their inborn traits ----

Like Sumo wrestlers their ego puts on weight.

There are some who are smart operators,

Most often they appear as commentators;

Lurking behind they add fuel to the fire--

Lacking creativity no blog they ever inspire .

AR, SK, JD, DM and SMT, are some of the names,

Joined by JJ and GzL, they put sulekha on flames,

Haggard and disgusted, 'YC' had to raise his hands,

As 'EYC', like 'Saraswati', disappears in sulekha sands.

These lines I write for the historians of posterity-

Who ought to know how EYC became a casuality;

A calculated move by the pentagon of lady samurais-

Saw their hold declining on' EYC', by new rules implied.

Perhaps it was not so, Yash had tried to explain,

"Who are you" thundered one with great disdain ?

Then all hell broke lose and free for all began,

Decency was thrown to winds with all chivalry san.

Appears, then, one samurai on Sulekha plains,

"I told you so, I told you so" was her great refrain;

Shocked and disgusted 'YC" decided to leave --

His baby 'EYC' , thus, went to eternal sleep.

This was reckoned on sulekha a greatest crash,

But no one could fathom the cause of act so brash;

''CL" found the' black box' and brought out the truth-

All males were shocked how ladies can be uncouth.

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