
Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Storm! Storm!! Storm!!! An alarm was sounded,
Eerie, panic and confusion, left me dumb founded.

Gathering all my wits, I make a very hasty decision:
To pick up the belongings and race out of my cabin.

‘What is it young man ‘,a confident voice did irritate?
"Storm! Sir!! ‘Storm", I divulged my hysterical state.

‘Crisis when they come’, old man’s sermon thus began –
“Respond to them with resolute mind and dismay san.

Do not show any grief, for, crisis unleash without a trace;
Self-confidence would soon steer us all to a safer place.

Storms come; waves do race when on sea one sets sail;
Life meanders on 'roughs and troughs' through unknown trail.

“Be calm and stay composed", the man continued without a blink:
Storms and winds come and go, mine is the ship that never sinks” .

Waves grew tall in ocean; suddenly shaking every bit of the ship,
My fears get the hold of me and I go flying into the water, for a dip.

On the ferocious waves as I struggle, I heard the captain say:
“Hope is pivot of life and life is to fight; fight on, fight on, till you stay” .

Away, away the ship goes on; fighting the waves, I realized the gravity –
“To a large vessel, no storm is strong; scattered pieces have no safety” .

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