
Wednesday, July 25, 2012


GREAT BETRAYAL of Veterans by the Nation, a few questions to SOLDIERS by me in my latest poem----
Promises galore to the soldiers by the leaders and the nation!
When the crisis blow away, soldiers are invariably forgotten ;
Tell me ,O Soldiers! Do you feel you are treated like beggars--
When dream of 'One Rank - One Pension' arrogantly shattered? 
While Unheard, uncared, unsung dies a soldier on a foreign soil,
The dishonest and corrupt enjoy the fruits of his sweat and toil;
Tell me O' Soldiers! Do you think that you die for nation's cause?
Even though corocodile tears would be shed at your family's loss?
A soldier falls to bullets of insurgents in the jungles of North East,
Hardly anyone does care as if he was some kind of a sacrificial beast!
Tell me o' soldiers! How do you think you protect the constitution?
While the leaders you lay your life for, weaken its very foundations! 
A soldier is killed on the snow capped mountains of Siachen glacier,
Grateful nation's duty ends when a citation is placed in his dossier;
Tell me O'soldiers! What is the value of the medal in dead man's life?
In civil street, it has no value, it just gives a sense of false pride! 
A soldier is tasked to carry out search and destroy mission in Kashmir;
Human rights acivists concoct story of rape and shed corocodile tears;
Tell me O' soldiers!Do you hail from "Heavens" without any human vices?
Why do they expect Zero-Error conduct from you even in national crisis?
When the floods come or the earth quake hits,they ask for soldier's aid,
Even when a child falls into a pit, soldiers mustered like household maids;
Tell me O' soldiers! Have you ever thought what bureaucrats about you say?
Soldiering is no big deal and only fools and idiots join armed forces today.

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