
Friday, August 05, 2016

Terrorists/Insurgents/Maoists Are Enemies of India!


Dear friends ,
Kindly peruse article by Col Rajinder Kushwaha published in Gomantak Times Panaji Goa yesterday..02Aug 16 .
Your views / comments may kindly be fwd to me for learning , study and research !
With regards & thanks.

Dear friends ,
Kindly peruse article by Col Rajinder Kushwaha published in Gomantak Times Panaji Goa yesterday..02Aug 16 .
Your views / comments may kindly be fwd to me for learning , study and research !
With regards & thanks.

Who is enemy of India? It is not only our Western and Northern external neighbours, but also Maoists, Kashmiri Militants and NE insurgents. According to Indian constitution, any one who picks up arms against the nation is the enemy of India. It does not matter whether he is an Indian or outsider. It does not matter whether he was a "misguided youth" or a " Frustrated Man". Enemy has to be treated like an enemy. More so, when armed forces are asked to intervene in an internal situation, they can not be asked to follow "Gandhian philosophy" of non- violence. Soldiers are trained to shoot effectively to kill.

There is a lot of hue and cry on the killing of Burahan Wani, a known Kashmiri Terrorist, by Pakistan and some Kashmiris and even some Indian journalists, claiming to be liberalists. Pakistan Government has gone to the extent of declaring him as a Martyr and observed a black day in Pakistan on July 19, 2016. Pakistan should first look at its own track record in Balochistan and Sindh. Should India also declare Betulla Mehsood , late boss of TTP as a Baloch Martyr.

I am convinced that Burhan Wani's killing was orchestrated by Pakistan's terrorist outfits, supported by Pakistan Government of Nawaz Sharief. This is evident the way unrest was organised in the Kashmir valley. It did not happen at the time of the hanging of Afzal Guru or many other Kashmiri militants. Whole event was stage managed this time by Pakistan's Civil Government because of two reasons, i.e. One, to divert public attention from Panama Papers leak, where Pakistan PM Nawaz Shatief's daughter, Mariam and Son in law Capt Safdar, are exposed to be allegedly involved in laundering of crores of funds outside Pakistan. Two, ongoing tussle between PM Nawaz Sharief and General Raheel Sharief, COAS of Pakistan Army, who is expected to retire in November 2016. Allude to it volatile situation in Karachi and plans to rig elections in POK by PML (N), of Nawaz Sharief which it did. And one can make a note of the reports of an uprising against this rigging in Neelam Valley of POK.

What is amazing is that some Indian journalist have been equating Wani with Bhagat Singh? It is not only a matter of shame but it requires a serious debate on irresponsible acts of Indian Media and abuse of freedom of expression by journalists. I am of the opinion where national interests begin, freedom of expression ends. Those who cross such a " Laxman Rekha" should be tried for treason. They are no less than "Mir Jafirs" and " Lal Singh's" who collaborated with Britain to enslave India.

These fellows are basically questioning accession of J& K to India. These half read journalists do not even know what were the THREE CLAUSES of UN Resolution No 623 of 13 August 1948. They do not even know about the Indian Independence Act passed by British Parliament, which had allowed 562 Princely states to join either of Two dominions, I.e. India and Pakistan or Stay independent. Whatever his reasons Maharaja Hari Singh chose to accede to India. This means Kashmir is Part of India and any Kashmiri who picks up arms against India has to be treated as he should be by the constitution of India. Bhagat Singh had fought against British occupation---- india was conquered and enslaved and ruled from England------India had never acceded to British empire. How can Burhan WANI and Bhagat Singh be equated? Shame on such journalists!

It was British and Mountbatten manipulation that Matter went to UNO. And that too under a wrong Charter of UNO, which sought resolution of dispute and NOT eviction of Tribal and Pakistani aggressors from Kashmir. This was Nehru's Blunder under Edwina Mountbatten Influence. And even then UN resolution of 13 August 1948 had asked Pakistan to vacate Kashmir before a plebiscite was organized by India. Pakistan refused to vacate and till date does not do so. Where is the question of plebiscite and Kashmir's independence. It is a distorted and dead issue flogged by Pakistan and accepted by ill informed Indian Journalists.

While on this issue I would like to comment on this outdated AFSPA-1958. There is a lot of talk on removal of AFSPA from Kashmir. If it is to be removed before resolution of Kashmir dispute, it will be a bigger blunder than what Nehru did. In fact I am of the opinion that AFSPA 1958 be replaced by more comprehensive act ANSWER ( ACT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY WITH EMERGENCY REGULATIONS). It must be remembered that AFSPA was enacted when armed forces were mustered in aid of civil authority in Nagaland in 1958. A lot of water has flown in the Ganges since 1958. Insurgency and militancy environments are other FORMS of a WAR thrust on India by its external enemies. It is WOM ( War by other Means). It can not be tackled by giving Police powers to Army. It needs Emergency powers, once called in. This is the need of the hour.

In fact I would like it to define Internal Security, whereby even Communal riots, Mafia operations, such as smuggling and drug trafficking, mass agitations damaging national property, divisive organisations spreading hatred amongst citizens etc should be brought under its gamut. Law and order should only be limited to individual crimes, such as stealing, corruption, abduction, murder, abusing and so on. We can not continue to remain confused on WOM and law and order problem, which is the state responsibility. But the internal security or WOM has to be the Union Government job, fought by armed forces.

Further , we ought to club Internal and external security together under one Ministry. National Security can not be compartmentalised into external and internal. Rename MOD as Ministry of Defence and Security to coordinate better and utilise resources optimally. National security grid be established. This is the crying need because it is the WOM we would be fighting for Next 3-4 decades. It is an era of "Niche and Designer wars", aimed at exploiting vulnerabilities of one's adversary, as is being done by Pakistan in Kashmir and China in the North East. Both are also involved in Maoist insurgency. Sooner our political and Military leadership understands nuances of WOM, better for the nation.

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