
Thursday, July 14, 2011


Some times in life, strange persons one does find,

Whose obnoxious conduct reflects their small minds;

First five years of infancy make a child acquire traits-

Author of the book, I'm OK, you are OK, so does state.

Life beacons at them but they let the opportunity go by-,

As the environs they grow up might make them very sly;

Ego,hatred and jealousy then make them emit toxic fumes-

Which, often, turn a blossoming orchid into savage dunes.

Long long ago, a friend was enticed by a charming face,

Infatuation so over -powered that they got married in haste;

Alas! the differences in their up-bringing were soon shown-

As man was from joint family and bride from a broken home.

Cultural mismatch turned their homes into a battlefield,

Arrogance of the girl ensured no comromise be reached;

Suspicious and cynnical, she always dreamt him flirting,

Fed up with her daily barbs, the man kept slowly drifting.

But the lady became a nuisance even in their locality ,

When neighbours got enraged with her split personality;

Her hypocritical ways were unbearable for even her friends,

Because they all realised she was not what she pretends.

Soon it was apparent she loved the company of freaks;

Lunacy and perversion was beefed up by wanton deceit;

One day an old lunatic enticed her with verbal aerobatics,

She lost her wits and fell for scheming fox's virile antiques.

The neighbors were anguished at her unacceptable deeds,

While the wily old man exploited her for his own sexual needs;

Unmindful of own acts, she would accuse husband of adultry,

One day temperature rose very high and weather became sultry;

Selfish old man smelt his chance to exploit the vulnerable lady,

He told her husband that the unfaithful woman carried his baby.

This was enough to put to an end to the tale of love at first sight-

When emotions over-power one, not easy to judge what was right?

To live in a social system, one must follow its well-set norms;

I should become We, if one wants to avoid marital storms;

Self-righteousness ought to give way to adjustment and compromise---

And broken-home children must grasp virtues of joint family ties?

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